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ERP: the choise to organize your company


Technology often helps a company in multiple situations.
Even the company organization is one of these.

Organizing a company at a management level, but also to have a complete ideas of costs and resources is essential.
To do this you can use an Italian open source management software.
More specifically, the choice could fall on an ERP.

 What is an ERP?

First of all, let’s explain what an ERP is:

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an Information System that allows to manage in an integrated and synergic way all the main business processes of a company: accounting, administrative management, purchasing and sales, production and logistics management, warehouse management , human resources management, customer relations management …

ERP: the features

An ERP can be modular and integrated.

Being modular means composed of several modules. Modules that must be created and interfaced according to the needs of the company itself.
While integrated means that it is inserted within a single management tool that is able to manage multiple processes.

ERP: the areas of application

To deepen, let’s see what are the areas of application of an ERP and what advantages it brings:

  • streamline the procedures
  • administer a single computer database
  • unify access to information
  • analyze and use information immediately
  • continuous updating on tax or legislative provisions
  • ERP Open Source Italia is the association that promotes the ERP Idempiere system and deals with ERP.


ERP Open Source Italia is the association that promotes the ERP Idempiere system and deals with ERP.

Idempiere is:

an ERP system that incorporates all the basic features previously described and in addition is an Open Source System developed and maintained by the global community composed of Business specialists, consultants and end users.

On balance, a company that chooses to use an ERP has considerable advantages both at a technical and economic level.

The Erp Open Source offer is available and can be viewed on the company website.

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