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Exploring the characteristics of eco-friendly mountain houses

General, Travel
Cascata d'Otro Mountain Village Eco Friendly Houses

Are you looking forward to living an eco-friendly lifestyle? Then you should take a look at eco-friendly mountain houses. From this article, we will be sharing some of the prominent characteristics that you can find in eco-friendly mountain houses.

Finding the ideal location for eco-friendly mountain houses

Building a house on the slope of a hill or in a field is a beautiful concept, and it is one of the best options available to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. For example, you will be able to take maximum use out of resources available in the region to build your mountain house. On the other hand, it is also possible to get maximum use out of natural resources to reduce your carbon footprint. For example, natural wind can help you to keep your air conditioning system turned off for most of the time.

Eco-friendly mountain houses are smaller in design

The bigger the mountain house, the more energy it uses. Even with all of the available energy-saving strategies, a larger mountain house just consumes more energy than just a smaller one. Build a mountain house that is exactly as large as your family need in order to have the most efficient residence. Custom mountain house designs may be made to match your family’s demands and not clutter up.

Allowing natural light to get in

The mountain house should be carefully located to take advantage of natural light. During daytime hours, natural daylight should replace lights and light bulbs as the primary source of illumination. Windows and skylights may help you save money on electricity. Dual-glazed windows with insulation limit heat gain in the summertime and heat loss in the winter. Overhangs on the south and west sides of the mountain houses will assist to keep the mountain house cool in the summer.

A light-colored roof will reflect rather than absorb the sun’s heat, keeping the mountain houses cooler. This is an excellent green alternative for both fresh and innovative mountain houses. A green roof, which is partly or totally covered by a layer of the soil and flora, is another roofing option. This sort of roof shields you from direct sunlight while also providing insulation.

Eco-friendly insulation

Look for insulation with a high R-value;. The greater the R-value, the better the insulation. Insulation using formaldehyde as just a binding agent should be avoided. Look for soy, cellulose, cotton, or recycled components in your insulation. Over the lifetime of your mountain house, a better insulated mountain house may save you hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Look for energy star certified appliances when buying appliances for just a current or future mountain house. Energy and money are saved with efficient heating systems. A programmable thermostat should be installed. Install solar panels or even a geothermal energy system as a means of bringing energy into the mountain house to heat water and provide heating throughout the mountain house are additional options. Some mountain houses with solar cells and geothermal pumps may go fully off the grid. Install attic vents and turn them on as much as feasible instead of turning on the air conditioner, which may save you up to 30% on cooling expenditures.

Materials used for construction

All construction materials should be non-toxic. At room temperature, volatile organic compounds (VOC) dissipate fast and contribute to indoor air pollution. Look for paints, varnishes, adhesives, and sealants that have minimal or no VOCs. Use as many natural, fast renewable goods as possible, such as bamboo. You might also use recycled materials or products with recycled components, such as reclaimed timber.

Don’t give up if you can’t locate a mountain house design that meets your demands while still being environmentally friendly. Any green elements you include in your eco-friendly mountain house designs assist to lessen your environmental impact and save resources. Be informed of the many green solutions available and decide which would work best in your mountain house.


If you want to discover a beautiful ecological village in Valsesia (Italy), visit the Cascata d’Otro Mountain Village website.

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